Sunday, January 7, 2018

January Info

Dear Parents,

Here is some of the info on costume deposits that are due and competitions you will need to know about for January. 

Kindergarten Class

If your child is in the Wednesday Kindergarten dance class, you need to purchase gold sequin high top hip hop shoes for her to perform her hip hop dance. We taught them a Hip hop Dance, jazz dance and ballet dance. She will wear her pink and gold costume from last year.
-color-gold sequins WL6034.
Please do not wait to order your child’s shoes!

St George Competition

Below are the groups we will be competing in the St George Competition.
Sr Cheer, All Star Cheer, Jr. Company, 8th and 9th grade Hip Hop, 5th, 6th and 7th grade Hop Hop, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade Hip Hop, Kindergarten and 1st grade Hip Hop and All 5 Speciality classes

Every dancer/cheerleader owes a $24.00 Competition fee for each number she or he is competing in. Competition Fee is due by JANUARY 25TH. We have to have all Competition fees to the directors by Feb 1st. They will not take late fees!

We have reserved some rooms at the Hampton Inn Suites in St George. Do not wait to reserve your room. They will go fast! You need to tell them you are with
Va-Dels. You can stay where you want. Don’t wait! It is going to be a busy weekend.

Hampton Inn Suites number 435-652-1200

Jazz costume deposits

If your child is new in our jazz /dance class and you didn’t pay her $60.00 deposit then you need to pay it now so we can start our costumes!
Every student in Sr Cheer and All Star Cheer owe a & $65.00 deposit for her new Cheer Uniform.
If your child is new in Jr Cheer or Pee Wee Cheer You owe a $ 65.00 deposit for her cheer uniform. We will be using the same cheer uniforms from last year for the younger two cheer classes. Deposits are due by JANUARY 25TH.

Competition Dates

St George Competion is Sat Mar 24
April Competition no date yet
USA Dance Challenge May 5th Fremont High School
Revue in May -waiting on date from high school

Thank you