Sunday, December 17, 2017

Sweat pick up time

Monday December 18th

3:45-4:15 Preschool
4:15-4:45 Kindergarten
4:45-5:30 1st & 2nd grade
5:30-6:00 3rd & 4th grade
6:00-6:45 5th-8th grade
6:45-7:15 9th grade and older

You will need to pay the balance of your sweats in order to pick them up.

PLEASE ENTER THE STUDIO FROM THE BACK. We will still be teaching classes and want to keep them running without interruption.


Monday, August 21, 2017

Parade info

August 21, 2017

**Look at the note and see where your child starts Parade.  Make sure she is at the right place before you leave her with us.

Dear Parent,

          Wednesday August 23rd is the fair parade.  Va-Dels are number 39 in the parade.  Every girl will need to be at the place she lines up by 4:30 PM.  Please do not be late!  The parade will start right on time!

          All girls 3rd grade and older will line up at MB Meat Packing Tremont Street.  it’s located on the main road that the parade is going down.  Girls riding in the back of the trailer float will be at the beginning of the parade with the older girls at MB Meat Packing Tremont Street..  Girls 2nd grade and younger will line up at the 2nd/5th Ward LDS church - 300 So. Tremonton St.  Krisanne Jackie & Darci will be at the beginning of the parade with the 3rd grade & older girls and girls on the trailer float.  Debbie and Kalisa will be at the church location with the younger girls (2nd grad and younger).

***Every girl will need someone at the end of the parade to pick her up when we are done performing.  They will make us move our vehicles out of the way and we cannot stay with your child.  The parade route ends at the North Park Park.

Hair -  5th grade & older - high ponytail - straight hair - black elastic wrap a little piece of hair around the elastic. Knot will be on the right side. Please make sure it is pinned in tight.

          4th grade & younger - hair the same as competition. Bow will go behind the bun.

 Make sure you wash outfit inside out in cold water. DO NOT DRY IN THE DRYER.

Earrings - must be VaDel Rhinestone earrings-studs only (no loops or hanging earrings

                    Put bandages on your child’s heels so she does not get blisters on her heels.

Lipstick - every girl will need to wear the Va-Del lipstick - cover girl stay on ultimate wine.

Every girl needs to wear no show socks. Make sure your child has her choker, bow and earrings on before you leave home so they aren't forgotten.

We will be starting classes  Tuesday Sept 5th.  No classes on Labor Day

Fall Dance, Gymnastics and Cheer Schedule

You need to sign your child up for classes on our blog.  There is a link on our blog for you to register your child (located on the left side).

We might have to do some adjusting after we start teaching.  It usually takes a couple of weeks.  If classes are too big then we will divide them!  If you know anyone that wants to sign up for dance, cheer or gymnastics, have them call one of us if they have questions. Debbie @ 435.881.9494 or Krisanne @ 435.452.1214.  We will post all of our notes on our Blog - you need to check and look at it often to see if there are any changes!  You need to register your child for fall classes on our Blog -

Thank you for your support in our summer classes and Parade!  Looking forward to another great year!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Picture pickup

Pictures and cd's from last season will be available for pickup tomorrow, August 21st at the studio from 8:30-9:30. ALL accounts MUST be paid in full before you receive your pictures. Thanks!

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Parade costume balance

Your child will have a balance on her costume

If you paid your $40 deposit you will owe the following balance

5th grade and older $18
4th grade and younger $15

If you have NOT paid your $40 deposit you will owe the following amount

5th grade and older $58
4th grade and younger $55

This will include her shirt with print, shorts with print, tank top and a choker. Please send the balance with your child to Monday's practice. Also, tuition will need to be paid before picking up your costume.

Practice Monday and Tuesday will be from 8:30-9:30 am at the MIDDLE SCHOOL. Please make sure your child is to practice!

Thank you for your continued support! If you have any questions please let us know, Thanks!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Parade info

If your child would like to ride the float with us this year in the Box Elder County Fair parade you need to contact Debbie at 881-9494 by Monday, August 7th. Your child can wear whatever she would like in the colors we will be wearing (black, white, light pink) or she can purchase an outfit. Please let Debbie know if you plan to purchase an outfit by Monday, August 7th so they can get them ordered next week. All new students are welcome to ride the float.

We will be dancing in the first part of the parade. Your child will need to be picked up at the end of the parade as soon as they are done. They will make us move our float and we won't be able to wait around for kids who don't have a parent there to pick them up. 

If your child is dancing in the parade you will need to purchase your child's shoes at payless. Please do not wait to buy them so you can make sure to get them. The brand is AirWalk and you need them in  black. Here is the link 

If your child was in the ball hip hop last year and your black high tops are still in good condition your child can wear them in the parade. 

If you have any questions please let us know. Thanks!

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Lost and Found

Hello Everybody,

Our lost and found has accumulated a lot of stuff. We are asking if you see anything that is yours in this picture that you PLEASE come pick up Tuesday anytime between 8-11 am or Wednesday 5:15-8 pm. We will be sending what is left to the DI the 1st of August. If you have any questions please let us know. Thanks!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Fall/Spring Registration 2017-2018

Registration will be held at the Studio Tuesday, July 25th from 6:00-8:00 pm. We are excited for another fun filled year of dance!

Parade Schedule

Parade will begin Tuesday July 25th and will be $45 plus the cost of the costume. The practices will go as follows:

Monday August 14th

8:30-10:00 am Everybody

Tuesday August 15th

8:30-10:00 am 3rd grade and older
9:00-10:00 am 2nd grade and younger

THURSDAY August 17th

6:30-8:00 pm 3rd grade and older
7:00-8:00 pm 2nd grade and younger

Monday August 21st

8:30-9:30 am Everybody

Tuesday August 22nd

8:30-9:30 am Everybody

Wednesday August 23rd

Box Elder County Fair Parade @ 5:00 pm

Swimming Party

We will be having a Vadels swimming party at the Brigham Pool July 18. We will meet there when the pool opens at 12:00 and stay as long as you want. See you there!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Schedule for May 15-17th

Monday May 15th


3:15-4:30 Kind-3rd gradeLyrical and Finale
3:45-4:45 Both Preschool classes Ballet  and Finale
4:45-5:15 Gymnastics section, All Star Cheer, Sr Cheer
5:15-6:00 4th grade and older Lyrical and Finale
6:00-6:30 6th grade and older Lyrical ( Mandatory if you want to perform)

Tuesday May 16th


3:15-4:00 Kind & 1st grade Tumbling
4:00-4:45 Pee Wee Technique
4:45-5:30 2nd & 3rd grade Tumbling
4:45-5:30 Jr & Sr Technique
5:30-6:30 Regular Tumbling (4th & 5th grade come at this time)
6:30-7:30 Regular Tumbling

Wednesday May 17th

Bear River High School Gym

Our year end Dance Revue!! Your child will receive a note tomorrow at practice that will give you more information.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Revue info

We will be having a guy name Wendell Pace videoing our revue this year and making a DVD for those of you that would like to purchase one. The cost will be $20 for DVD and $22 for BLURAY pre order (before May 16th) or he will be selling them at the door the night of the revue for $25 & $27. He will be adding a file to the DVD that you can put on your computer and play on your smart TV's that will be FULL HD. If you would like to purchase one please write your checks to Wendell Pace and bring them me (Karly) at one of the next dance practices.

I will be putting together a slideshow of pictures for the year. If you have any pictures from parade, Halloween parties, dance comps, etc. please email them to

Also, we will be wearing white gloves in our finale this year that Krisanne has already purchased. To get your gloves please send $2 with your child to the next practice. They will also need to wear any white socks in the finale. Thanks!

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Schedule for 8th-13th

Monday May 8th


2:15-3:15 Both Preschool classes
3:15-4:15 2nd & 3rd grade Jazz- Kind & 1st grade tumbling in the back
4:15-5:15 Kind & 1st grade Jazz- 2nd & 3rd grade tumbling in the back
5:15-6:15 4th & 5th grade (Even if you don't take jazz. We will be learning the finale)
6:15-7:00 Gymnastics section
7:00-8:00 6th grade and older
8:00-8:15 Sr Hip Hop

Tuesday May 9th


3:15-4:15 Sr Cheer, All Star Cheer, Jr Company, White Blood, Dessert


4:30-5:30 Gymnastics section
5:30-6:30 Regular tumbling
6:30-7:30 Regular tumbling ***PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE COMING TO YOUR REGULAR SCHEDULED CLASS. It's not fair to the girls who are and are getting less one on one time because classes are getting too big. Thank you!!

Wednesday May 10th

Bear River High School

4:00-5:30 2nd & 3rd grade Jazz, Pee Wee Hip Hop, Pee Wee Cheer, Jr Cheer, Trolls
4:15-5:30 Both Preschool classes, Kindergarten & 1st grade Jazz
4:30-5:30 EVERYBODY we will be putting together our finale
5:30-6:30 4th & 5th grade Jazz, 6th & 7th grade Jazz, Ball Hip Hop, All Star Cheer, Bathing Beauties, Runnin, Covergirl
6:00-6:30 Sr Cheer, Gymnastics Section, White Blood
6:30-7:30 Dessert, Jr Company, Sr Hip Hop, 8th & 9th grade Jazz

Thursday May 11th


3:15-4:00 Pee Wee Hip Hop, Pee Wee Cheer, Jr Cheer
4:00-4:45 Pee Wee Technique
4:45-5:30 Jr & Sr Technique

Saturday May 13th

Bear River High School


Friday, May 5, 2017

Summer Classes 2017

Summer technique classes will be held every Wednesday starting June 7th through July 19th  (We will skip the week of July 4th). This program will be a 6 week course. We will be offering 3 classes (4 if needed) starting early afternoon ranging from 2:00-6:00 pm (or later if needed). Registration will be online starting May 7th and ending on June 10th at this link:

If you are interested in being picked for a specialty group for our 2017-2018 year this class WILL be required to be considered for a team as well as participating in the parade.

We will be offering tumbling classes this summer. The classes will all be taught on Monday nights. We have hired Marci Clawson to teach 3 classes a beginning, intermediate and advanced level. We will add another class depending on interest. Tuition will be due on the 1st lesson. We will NOT accept any student who don't bring their tuition to the first lesson. Classes will fill up fast so make sure you don’t wait to register.


1 hour- $55

2 hours- $90

2.5 hours- $110

Classes offered

Monday afternoon’s

5:30-6:30 Beginning tumbling

6:30-7:30 Intermediate tumbling

7:30-8:30 Advanced tumbling

Wednesday afternoon’s

2:00-3:00 Technique A (Kindergarten-2nd grade)

3:00-4:30 Technique B (3rd-5th grade)

4:30-6:00 Technique C (6th grade and older)

Parade 2017

Will be 2-3 days a week starting July 25th alternating morning and nights. This class will be $45 for tuition plus the price of the costume.

 Marci Clawson’s Bio

·       15 years competitive tumbling and gymnastic experience.

·       Level 9 gymnast. Level 10 tumbler. High school cheerleader.

·       10 years coaching experience from beginner to advanced.
Coached both gymnastic and tumbling competitive teams for 4 years.

·       Gym manager at the peak for 2 years.

·       I love coaching.

·       I’ve helped many students get back handsprings, aerials, tucks, fulls, and even more advanced skills.

·       I also have 10 years of dance background and created a tumble for dance class to focus specifically on skills needed for dance.

·       I've done the same for cheer and helped many students get their standing tucks for cheer tryouts.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Picture info

Dear Parent,        May 1, 2017

We will be taking pictures on Wednesday May 3rd & Thursday May 4th

Please bring your child to pictures even if you don’t want to purchase one.  We would like everyone in the group picture.  Will be displaying the group pictures at the Revue and at our studio.  Pictures cost $14.00.  This includes an group and individual picture.  You need to write YOUR checks out to Ashley Wright.  You need to write a separate check out for each class your child is in.  This makes it easier for the photographer to keep track.  You must pay the day of pictures.  The photographer will not take your childs individual picture without paying for it.  She can still be in the group picture without paying for it.  You need to have a POSE READY for her individual picture.  We need to move it fast and stay on schedule.  In consideration for the photographer (cell phones, cameras, etc) pictures cannot be taken inside the studio. Please have your child on time.

Hair for pictures
 Preschool, Kind & 1st, 2nd & 3rd JAZZ CLASSES Hair done like competition
4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th grade & older Jazz classes hair down with loose curls
CHEER- hair needs to be like competition with loose curls in a high ponytail
PEE WEE HIP HOP, JR HIP HOP,  DESSERT ,and SR HIP HOP -hair same as competition, SPECIALTY CLASSES -hair same as Competition.

 We are getting for our Revue - make sure your child comes to class to work on her ballet/lyrical & the black and white number (glow in the dark) that we will be performing the night of our Revue.  

Your child will be spotlighted in the glow in the dark number that everyone performs in the finale.  You will need to dress your child in white and Neon clothes for the black and white number.  Be creative!  The more white and neon colors she wears the more she will glow. It is the last number we perform on our Revue. Every girl needs to have a glow in the dark necklace to throw in the air at the end of the finale.  They can wear other glow in the dark bracelets etc.  It is a very fun number for the girls - they love it!
No Paint
Your child must be paid in full including May tuition before our Revue practice!

 Revue practice-------------------------Saturday May 13---------------------------BRHS
 Revue------------------------------------Wednesday May 17------------------------BRHS

Every girl must be to our Revue practice if she wants to perform on  our Revue!  We cannot do it without everyone at practice. Practice will be early in the morning.

Your child will wear her Va-Del Jazz costume for her ballet/Lyrical number on our Revue.

Thank you for getting your child to all our extra practices!

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Schedule for may 1st-4th

Monday May 1st


2:15-3:15 Both preschool classes
3:15-4:15 2nd & 3rd grade ---------Kind & 1st grade tumbling in the back
4:15-5:15 Kind & 1st grade---------2nd & 3rd grade tumbling in the back
5:15-6:15 4th & 5th grade
6:15-7:30 6th-9th grade

Tuesday May 2nd


3:15-4:00 Pee Wee technique
4:00-4:45 jr & sr technique
4:45-5:30 Gymnastics section (come if you can do a back handspring, aerial, tucks)
5:30-6:30 regular tumbling (4th & 5th grade come during this time)
6:30-7:30 regular tumbling

Wednesday May 3rd Pictures


1:30 Pre School (3 & 4 year olds)
2:00 Pre School (4 & 5 year olds)
2:30 Kind & 1st grade Jazz
3:30 Pee Wee Hip Hop
4:15 Pee Wee  Cheer
5:00 2nd & 3rd grade Jazz
5:30 Jr Cheer
6:00 4th & 5th grade Jazz
6:30 Ball Hip Hop
7:00 All Star Cheer
7:30 Bathing Beauties
8:00 Sr Hip Hop
8:15 White Blood

Thursday May 4th Pictures


4:00 6th & 7th grade Jazz
4:30 Trolls
5:00 Dessert Hip Hop
5:45 Sr Cheer
6:30 Jr Company (Incomplete)
6:45 8th & 9th grade Jazz
7:00 Solo's (Bring crowns and trophies)
7:45 Covergirl
8:15 Runnin

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Roy Comp Info

Dear Parent,                                                                                       April 27, 2017

Cheer loud all dancers and cheerleaders will love it!!

Good luck to all the individuals that are competing Friday!

This Saturday April 29 is our competition at Roy High School (21500 West 4899 South Roy) Your child must be on time.  All performances are on a tight schedule. Everyone will be charged to get into the competition except for dancers with tickets.  Admission is $8.00 cash only.  Make sure your child does not leave her ticket home or they will charge her admission to get in.

Cheerleaders will meet in the big gym to practice stunts.  All the other dancers will meet in the practice gym at the times that are on the note.  Some dancers are very close to each other. There will be girls there to tell you where the practice gym is.

Your will need to take your little ones to the bathroom before you bring them to us.

               Make sure before you leave home she has everything she needs for all of her performances.  Lay it out and check each item off before putting it in her suitcase.  We do not have any extra spare parts. 

               Every hair piece and hat must be bobby pinned in good.  It cannot fall of.

Trolls - Hair, costume, Tutu, pink pants, tights, dance paws, rhinestone earrings.

Pee Wee Hip Hop - Blue hat, white pants, top, silver shoes, no show socks (white), rhinestone earrings.

Jr. Hip Hop -

               Cheerleaders - yellow cheer skirt, yellow cheer top, white tank top, black spankies, knee high socks, yellow bow,        white towel, rhinestone earrings, black  shoes, pom poms

Football players - pants, jersey, sweatband, white tank top, knee high socks, white towel, rhinestone earrings, black shoes

Referee - Black hat, stripped top, black pants, white tank top, whistle, knee high socks, black shoes, rhinestone earrings.

Cover girl - black costume, gold belt, tights, dance paws, rhinestone earrings,

Jr. Company - headband, costume, tights, dance paws, rhinestone earrings, bra with clear straps.

Bathing Beauty - Swimsuit, shorts, tights, dance paws,headband, rhinestone earrings.

Contemporary/Running - white costume, white tank, tights, dance paws, gold hair piece, rhinestone earrings.

Elite Hip Hop - denim overalls, top, white tank top, high top shoes, no show socks, hair piece bandanna, rhinestone earrings

Sr. Hip Hop - White Jeans, top, black hat, high top shoe, no show socks, rhinestone earrings

Cheer - cheer top, cheer skirt, black liner, black spankies, cheer socks, white nike tennis shoes & bow.

           Safety pin all necks on costumes. They come undone when they dance.

               Hair - How to do her hair will be on tomorrows note

               No underwear - she will be wearing tights and we don’t want panty lines to show.

Vadels Costume - Jazz - All parts (costume, hairpiece, tights, dance paws & rhinestone earrings)

               Safety pin all necks on costumes. They come undone when they dance.

               Hair - How to do her hair will be on tomorrows note

               No underwear - she will be wearing tights and we don’t want panty lines to show


Your child must be in the gym at the time below so we can run stunts before they start.

#182 -      All Star Cheer ------------8:00AM

#189 -      Jr. Cheer-------------------8:00AM

#190 -      Sr. Cheer------------------8:00AM

#199 -      Pee Wee Cheer--------- 8:30AM


#202 -      Preschool 3 &4 year olds--------------------9:00AM

#205 -      6th & 7th grade Jazz--------------------------9:00AM

#206 -      Kind & 1st grade Group B-------------------9:00AM

#209 -      Running------------------------------------------9:30AM

#212-       Preschool - 4 & 5 year olds-----------------9:30AM

#218 -      Kind & 1st grade Group A-------------------10:00AM

#223 -      Ball Hip Hop (4th, 5th & 6th grade)-------10:00AM

#228 -      2nd & 3rd Grade Jazz------------------------10:15AM

#232-       Trolls----------------------------------------------10:30AM

#233-       8th & 9th grade Jazz--------------------------10:15AM

#238 -      4th & 5th grade Jazz--------------------------11:30AM

#251-       Jr. Company-------------------------------------12:15PM

#256-       Pee Wee Hip Hop------------------------------12:15PM

#257 -      Sr. Hip Hop---------------------------------------12:30PM

#263-       7th & 8th grade Hip Hop - Desert Mix------1:00PM

#268-       Bathing Beauties---------------------------------1:00PM

#273 -      Sr. Company--------------------------------------1:15PM

#280 -      Cover Girl------------------------------------------1:30PM

You can go home after your child performs-we will hand out the awards at the studio.


               If your childs dance or cheer says high ponytail then you pull everything up in a ponytail on top of her head (bangs and sides).  Wrap a piece of hair around the elastic.


               If your childs dance says low ponytails or low back ponytail then you part her bangs on the left side - pull over to the right side then put in ponytail.

**Cheerleaders - High ponytail straight hair bow bobby pinned in good

               Jr. Cheer & Pee Wee Cheer - high ponytail, loose curls, hair bow bobby pinned in good.

**Pee Wee Hip Hop - hat’s bobby pinned in good - two low ponytails.  Wrap hair around elastics.  Loose curls in  ponytails

**Elite Hip Hop - High ponytail - straight hair - bobby pin bandana in good.

**Cover Girl - High ponytail - pull bangs and sides back - bobby pin hairpiece in good

**Jr. Company - low ponytail in back - bobby pin headband in good

**Sr. Hip Hop - two braids in front of ears. bobby pin hat in good

**Bathing Beauties - Low ponytail in the back - hair wrapped around the elastic.  bobby Pin hairpiece in good - straight hair.

**Contemporary - Put in a low ponytail in the back.  Straight hair - wrap hair around elastic.  bobby Pin hairpiece in good

**Jr. Hip Hop:

               Referee - straight hair - bobby pin hat in good - low ponytail - put ponytail through the hole in the hat

               Ball Players - low ponytail - wrap hair around elastic - bangs part on left side - bobby pin the sweatband in good

               Cheerleaders - High ponytail - bobby pin yellow bow in good

**Trolls - pin wigs on good!

Hair for Jazz classes - 4th,5th,6th,7th 8th & older - Pull bangs back and sides up into a high ponytail on top of the head, straight          hair pin hair piece in good,

Preschool, Kind, 1st, 2nd & 3rd grade- Pull bangs back and part into square on top of the head put into a messy bun, leave the sides and all the rest of the hair down, loose curls - bobby pin hair bow behind the bun in good so it doesn’t fall off.  There         will be a video posted on our blog how to do the young girls hair.

Dates for Competition, Revue practice and Revue

USA Dance Challenge Roy     Saturday April 29th

Revue Practice BRHS             Saturday May 13th

Revue BRHS                          Wednesday May 17th

Pictures - May 3rd & 4th - more info will be posted on Monday’s blog. (dance practices & pictures)

Everyone must be paid in full including May before our Revue practices.

Thank You


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Roy Competition times


Your child must be in the gym at the time below so we can run stunts before they start.

#182 - All Star Cheer --------------------------------8:00AM
#189 - Jr. Cheer---------------------------------------8:00AM
#190 - Sr. Cheer---------------------------------------8:00AM
#199 - Pee Wee Cheer------------------------------- 8:30AM


#202 - Preschool 3 &4 year olds--------------------9:00AM
#205 - 6th & 7th grade Jazz--------------------------9:00AM
#206 - Kind & 1st grade Group B-------------------9:00AM
#209 - Running-----------------------------------------9:30AM
#212 - Preschool - 4 & 5 year olds------------------9:30AM
#218 - Kind & 1st grade Group A-------------------10:00AM
#223 - Ball Hip Hop (4th, 5th & 6th grade)--------10:00AM
#228 - 2nd & 3rd Grade Jazz------------------------10:15AM
#232 - Trolls--------------------------------------------10:30AM
#233 - 8th & 9th grade Jazz--------------------------10:15AM
#238 - 4th & 5th grade Jazz--------------------------11:30AM
#251 - Jr. Company-------------------------------------12:15PM
#256 -  Pee Wee Hip Hop------------------------------12:15PM
#257 - Sr. Hip Hop--------------------------------------12:30PM
#263 - 7th & 8th grade Hip Hop - Desert Mix------1:00PM
#268 - Bathing Beauties--------------------------------1:00PM
#273 - Sr. Company-------------------------------------1:15PM
#280 - Cover Girl----------------------------------------1:30PM

Sunday, April 23, 2017

New Schedule for April 24th-27th

Wednesday classes have changed!! We were not able to get the Bear River High School Auditorium due to the play scenery that is set up. Practice will be at the Box Elder High School Auditorium. Please have your child there so she knows where to perform since we got notice last week that the competition this weekend will be on the Roy High School Stage. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Monday April 24th


3:15-4:00 Jr Company
4:00-4:45 6th & 7th grade Jazz
4:45-5:30 Jr & Sr Technique
5:30-6:15 8th & 9th grade Jazz
6:15-7:00 Sr Hip hop

Tuesday April 25th


3:30-4:30 Pee & Jr Cheer


4:45-5:30 All Star Cheer, Trolls
6:30-7:15 Dessert, Sr Cheer


5:30-6:30 Regular Schedule Tumbling 4 & 5th grade Tumbling can come to this class this week.
6:30-7:30 Regular Schedule Tumbling

Wednesday April 26th


2:00-3:00 Kind & 1st grade Tumbling

Box Elder High School Auditorium

3:45-4:30 Both Preschool classes, Kind & 1st Grade Jazz, 2nd & 3rd grade Jazz, Pee Wee Hip Hop
4:30-4:45 Trolls
4:30-5:15 4th & 5th grad Jazz, 6th & 7th grade Jazz, Ball Hip Hop, Bathing Beauties, Covergirl
5:15-5:30 Runnin
5:15-6:00 Sr Hip Hop, Sr Company, 8th & 9th grade Jazz, Jr Company, Dessert

Thursday April 27th


3:15-4:00 Both Preschool classes, Covergirl, Bathing Beauties, 6th & 7th grade Jazz
4:00-4:45 All Star Cheer, Dessert, Runnin, Jr Company, 8th & 9th grade Jazz
4:45-5:30 Pee Wee Hip Hop, 2nd & 3rd grade Jazz, 4th & 5th grade Jazz, Ball Hip Hop
5:30-6:00 Kind & 1st grade Jazz, Pee Wee Cheer, Jr Cheer, Trolls
5:45-6:30 Sr Cheer, Sr Hip Hop

Friday, April 21, 2017

Logan Competition

Hair for Pee Wee Cheer and Jr Cheer will be pulled into a high ponytail with loose curls with the bow in front of the ponytail. They won't be wearing tights nor earrings. Thanks!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Kind & 1st grade bows

We decided that the bows for the Kind & 1st grade class are way too big. Please bring them with your child to class tomorrow so that we can get them fixed. We will have them on Saturday when we meet for the competition. Thanks!

Monday, April 17, 2017

Competition Times

Below are the times your child needs to be at the Competition this Saturday in Logan - April 22

#65 - Jr. Company - ---------------------------------10:00 AM       
#81 - Sr. Company ! ---------------------------------10:45 AM
#85 - Running ----------------------------------------11:00 AM
#86 - Trolls -------------------------------------------- 11:00 AM
#88 - Bathing Beauties - ----------------------------11:15AM
#89 - Jr. Cheer ----------------------------------------11:45 AM
#90 - All Star Cheer ---------------------------------
#92  - Pee Wee Cheer ------------------------------12:00
#94 - Sr. Cheer --------------------------------------- 11:45 AM
#98 - Preschool younger - 3 yr olds - ------------12:30
#102 - Kin & 1st grad Jazz  (B Group) -----------12:30
#105 - Kind & 1st grade Jazz (A Group) ---------12:45
#109 - 2nd & 3rd grade Jazz - ----------------------1:15
#112 - 4th & 5th grade --------------------------------1:30
#113 - 8th & 9th grade Jazz -------------------------1:30
#122 - 6th & 7th grade Jazz ------------------------ 2:15
#125 - Cover Girl ---------------------------------------2:15
#126 - Preschool Class older 4yr olds ------------2:30
#128 - 4th, 5th & 6th grade Hip Hop --------------2:30
#133 - Sr.Hip Hop - ------------------------------------2:40
#139 - 7th & 8th grade Hip Hop - ------------------2:45
#140 - Pee Wee Hip Hop ----------------------------2:45

More info about Competition will be on Thursdays Note.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Revised Schedule for April 17th-21st

Here is the schedule for this coming week. Please make sure you child is to class and on time so we can keep all of the routines running. We have our Logan competition this week and are so excited to watch some of you perform for your first time this year!! Just a reminder that you are only coming to your regular tumbling class so that we can keep classes down in size. Thank you!

Monday April 17th


4:00-4:30 Ball Hip Hop (4th-6th grade)
4:30-5:15 Perfect Illusion (6th & 7th grade Jazz)
5:15-5:45 Incomplete (Jr Company)
5:45-6:30 The Greatest (8th & 9th grade Jazz)
6:30-7:15 Jr Cheer, Pee Wee Cheer
7:15-7:45 All the Way Up (Sr Hip Hop)


5:30-6:30 White Blood (Sr Company)

Tuesday April 18th


3:15-4:30 Dessert (7th & 8th grade Hip Hop), Sr Cheer, Trolls, All Star Cheer


4:45-5:30 Jr & Sr Technique
5:30-6:30 Regular Tumbling
6:30-7:30 Regular Tumbling

Wednesday April 19th


3:15-4:00 Both Preschool classes
4:00-4:45 Kind & 1st grade Jazz
4:45-5:30 2nd & 3rd grade Jazz
5:30-6:15 4th & 5th grade Jazz
6:15-7:00 Bathing Beauties, Covergirl, Runnin, Pee Wee Hip Hop


2:30-3:30 Kid & 1st grade Tumbling
3:30-4:30 2nd & 3rd grade Tumbling
4:30-5:15 4th & 5th grade Tumbling

Thursday April 20th


3:15-4:00 Both Preschool classes, Covergirl, Bathing Beauties, 6th & 7th grade Jazz
4:00-4:45 All Star Cheer, Dessert, Runnin, Jr Company, 8th & 9th grade Jazz
4:45-5:30 Pee Wee Hip Hop, 2nd & 3rd grade Jazz, 4th & 5th grade Jazz, Ball Hip Hop
5:30-6:00 Kind & 1st grade Jazz, Pee Wee Cheer, Jr Cheer, Trolls
5:45-6:30 Sr Cheer, Sr Hip Hop

High School

5:00-5:45 Sr Company (White Blood)

Friday, April 7, 2017

Schedule for April 10th-14th

Please make sure you are reading the schedule carefully. We are trying to work around when we can rent out gym time. That is why the schedule is a little different. Please make sure you child is to class this week and next week so that we have 100% for competition in two weeks!!

Monday April 10th


3:15-4:00 Pee Wee Cheer
3:30-4:15 Jr Cheer
4:15-4:30 Trolls
4:30-5:00 Bathing Beauties, Covergirl, Runnin
5:00-5:45 All Star Cheer, Dessert (7th & 8th grade Hip Hop)
5:45-6:30 8th & 9th grade Jazz (The Greatest
6:30-7:00 Jr Company (Incomplete)


3:15-4:00 6th & 7th grade Jazz (Perfect Illusion)
4:00-5:00 Sr Company (White Blood)
5:00-5:30 Sr Hip Hop (All the way up)

Tuesday April 11th


3:30-4:30 Sr Cheer MADATORY!!


4:45-5:30 Jr & Sr Technique
5:30-6:30 Regular Gymnastics
6:30-7:30 Regular Gymnastics

Wednesday April 12th


3:15-4:00  Both Preschool jazz classes
4:00-4:45 Kindergarten & 1st grade Jazz (Girl in the mirrior)
4:45-5:30 2nd & 3rd grade Jazz (I'm in love with a monster)
5:30-6:15 4th & 5th grade Jazz (Wildside)
6:15-7:00 Pee Wee Hip Hop (1st-3rd grade) & Ball Hip Hop (4th-6th grade)


2:30-3:30 Kind & 1st grade tumbling
3:30-4:30 2nd & 3rd grade tumbling
4:30-5:30 4th & 5th grade tumbling

High School

7:00-8:00 Bathing Beauties, Runnin, Covergirl

Thursday April 13th


4:30-5:15 Pee Wee Technique

Monday, April 3, 2017

Every girl in cheer needs to bring their pom-poms to practice.

Also, everyone needs to try on their jazz costume when they receive it and cheer outfit, and make sure it fits well and not big.  If it is too big, then please take it to Stylish Designs to have them alter it.  If you do not know where Stylish Designs is, please call and we will tell you.


Saturday, April 1, 2017

Schedule for April 3rd-6th

This weeks schedule will vary a little bit due to Spring Break. We are tried to get most of the classes covered on Monday-Wednesday so that we could get everybody there before people leave on vacations. Thank you for your continued support. We are so excited for our next competition April 22nd!!

Monday April 3rd

Fairgrounds-We will be running both gyms

3:30-4:15 6th & 7th grade Jazz, Pee Wee Cheer & Pee Wee Hip Hop
4:15-5:00 8th & Older Jazz, Bathing Beauties, Covergirl,  Runnin
5:00-5:30 4th & 5th grade Jazz, Oldest Hip Hop, Jr Company


5:45-6:30 Oldest & Jr technique

Tuesday April 4th


3:15-4:00 All Star Cheer
3:45-4:30 Sr Cheer
4:30-5:15 Dessert (7th & 8th grade), Ball Hip Hop (4th-6th grade)
5:00-5:30 Trolls
5:30-6:15 Jr Cheer


5:30-6:30 Regular Gymnastics
6:30-7:30 Regular Gymnastics

Wednesday April 5th


3:15-4:00 Both preschool classes
4:00-4:45 Kind & 1st grade Jazz
4:45-5:30 2nd & 3rd grade Jazz


2:30-3:30 Kind & 1st grade Gymnastics
3:30-4:30 2nd & 3rd Gymnastics
4:30-5:30 4th & 5th grade Gymnastics

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Schedule for March 27th-31st

Monday March 27th

NO CLASSES due to several girls still being in St George. Please make sure you make it to your rescheduled time so that we can be ready for our next competition in 4 weeks!!

Tuesday March 28th


3:15-4:15 8th & older Jazz
5:30-6:30 Regular gymnastics PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE STILL COMING!!
6:30-7:30 Regular gymnastics


4:15-5:15 All Star Cheer, Dessert
5:00-5:45 Trolls

Wednesday March 29th


12:15-1:15 Preschool
1:15-2:30 Preschool
2:30-3:30 Gymnastics kind & 1st grade
4:15-5:15 Gymnastics 2nd & 3rd grade
5:45-6:45 Gymnastics 4th & 5th grade (You can also come on Tuesday March 28th at 5:30 for last weeks make up class)


3:15-4:00 2nd & 3rd grade jazz
4:00-4:45 Kind & 1st grade jazz
4:45-5:30 4th & 5th grade jazz
5:30-6:15 Jr Cheer

Thursday March 30th


3:15-4:00 Pee Wee technique
4:45-5:30 Jr Technique
5:30-6:30 6th & 7th grade Jazz


3:30-4:00 Bathing Beauties, Runnin
4:00-4:30 Covergirl & Ball Hip Hop (4th-6th grade)
4:30-5:00 pee Wee Hip hop
4:45-5:30Pee Wee Cheer

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Schedule march 20th- march 24th

Monday March 20th


All classes except cheer will be dress rehearsal. Please wear your costumes!

3:15-4:00 Pee Wee Hip Hop
4:00-4:30 Ball Hip Hop 4th-6th grade
4:30-5:00 Covergirl
5:00-5:30 Bathing Beauties & Trolls
5:30-6:00 Runnin


6:15-6:45 All Star cheer
6:45-7:15 Sr Cheer
7:15-7:45 Dessert Hip Hop 7th & 8th grade
7:45-8:15 Incomplete & All the Way up hip hop

We will NOT be teaching any jazz classes today.

Tuesday March 21st

BOX ELDER High School Auditorium NOT Bear River

6:00-7:00 Pee Wee Hip Hop, Ball Hip Hop 4th-6th grade, Covergirl, Runnin, Bathing Beauties, Trolls
7:00-7:30 All Star Cheer & Sr Cheer
7:30-8:30 Incomplete, Dessert Hip Hop 7th & 8th grade, All the way up hip hop

We will NOT be having Marci's gymnastics classes tomorrow due to majority of the girls having practice for st George in Brigham.

Wednesday March 22nd


3:15-4:30 Pee Wee Hip Hop, Ball Hip Hop 4th-6th grade,  Covergirl, Runnin, Bathing Beauties
4:00-4:30 trolls
4:30-5:00 Sr Cheer and All Star Cheer
5:00-5:30 All the way up hip hop, Dessert Hip Hop 7th & 8th grade, Incomplete


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Sr cheer

Sr cheer tonight (Thursday) 7-8 at the high school. Please come early to stretch so we are ready to go right at 7. Thanks.
Sr. Cheer will have a practice at the BR High School gym at from 7-8 tonight, 3/16.


Sunday, March 12, 2017

Practices March 13th-17th

This will be the schedule this week. We needed a few extra practices for a few of the classes. We apologize for the change of class times, but we have to take the gym when we can get it. Please make sure your child is there to all practices so that we can be ready for St George next week!!

Monday March 13th


3:15-4:00 Bathing Beauties
4:00-4:45 Runnin
4:45-5:30 Covergirl


3:15-4:00 6th & 7th grade Jazz and 8th & Older Jazz
4:00-4:45 Jr Company (Incomplete)
5:30-6:15 4th-6th Hip Hop (Ball hip hop)
6:15-7:15 Sr Hip Hop (All the way up)

Tuesday March 14th


3:15-4:15 All Star Cheer
4:15-5:30 Sr Cheer
5:30-6:15 Trolls


5:30-6:30 Normal schedule gymnastics
6:30-7:30 Normal schedule gymnastics
7:30-8:30 Dessert Hip Hop 7th & 8th grade

Wednesday March 15th


3:15-4:15 Sr Cheer
4:15-5:15 All Star Cheer
5:15-6:00 Dessert Hip hop 7th & 8th grade


Pre school Regular Schedule
2:30-3:30 2nd & 3rd grade Jazz
2:30-3:30 Kind & 1st grade gymnastics
3:30-4:30 Kind & 1st grade Jazz
3:30-4:30 2nd & 3rd grade gymnastics
4:30-5:15 Jr cheer
5:15-6:15 4th & 5th grade Jazz
6:15-7:15 4th & 5th grade gymnastics
6:15-7:15 Sr Company

Thursday March 16th


3:15-4:00 Jr Company (Incomplete)
4:15-5:00 Pee wee Hip hop
5:00-6:00 4th-6th grade hip hop (Ball hip hop)


3:15-4:00 Pee Wee technique
4:00-4:45 Older technique
5:15-6:00 Pee Wee Cheer
6:00-6:45 Sr Hip Hop (All the way up)

Thursday, March 9, 2017

The review will be on May 17th at the High School.


Monday, March 6, 2017

Schedule Changes for the week of March 6th through March 10th

Monday classes are all the same except we will not be having technique class due to Jr Company practice.

Tuesday March 7th-


3:15-4:30 All star cheer
4:30-5:45 Sr Cheer                                         
5:45-6:30 Trolls                                          
6:15-7:30 Runnin
7:30-8:30 Jr Company (Incomplete)


5:30-6:30  gymnastics
6:30-7:30  gymnastics     

Wednesday March 8th-

3:15-4:30 Sr Cheer                                   
4:30-5:15 Bathing Beauties                     
5:00-6:00 Dessert 7th & 8th grade hip hop


All regular class times
 6:15-7:15 Sr Company

Thursday March 9th-


3:15-4:15 Ball Hip Hop 4th-6th grade              
4:15-5:00 Pee Wee Hip hop                          

3:15-4:00 technique (younger)
4:30-5:15 technique (older)
5:15-6:00 pee wee cheer


5:45-7:15 covergirl

Monday, February 27, 2017

Tuesday/Wednesday changes

All star cheer 3:15-4:15 at the nat
Sr cheer 4:15-5:15 at the nat
Everyone must be there. Please do not be late!

Tuesday hip hop (dessert) 3:30-4:30 at the nat

Monday, February 20, 2017

Tuesday classes this week

3:15-4:15 all star cheer at the natatorium
sr cheer 4-5:15 at the natatorium.
Do not be late. We need everyone there so we can get the stunts ready. As discussed in class, we will  be charging a no show fee this year since we are paying to rent the gym for stunting and cannot stunt without everyone there. No hip hop tomorrow, we will have it  later in the week. Thanks.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

4th-6th grade hip hop shoes

Here is the link to purchase your child's shoes for the hip hop. Make sure you order the black ones. They run 1-2 sizes small.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

7th & 8th grade hip hop shoes

The previous shoes we tried to order were out of stock and we weren't able to get them.

Here is the link for the hip hop shoes. If you purchase them with somebody else they are buy one get one 50% off.
Make sure you purchase the white ones.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Makeup classes

Yesterday (January 23rd) make up classes will be as follows

Jr. Company- Wednesday January 25th 6:15-7:15 at the studio
8th grade and older Jazz (The greatest)- Wednesday January 25th 7:15-8 at the studio

6th & 7th grade Jazz (Perfect Illusion) and Sr Hip Hop will be held next week. Days and times to be announced.

Thank you for your patience with us. We are trying to work in classes wherever we can to avoid staying too late and other obligations. If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to ask. Thanks!

Monday, January 23, 2017

After much consideration we have decided to cancel all classes tonight. Make-up classes will be posted to the blog tonight.  Please stay home and be safe.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017