Sunday, March 12, 2017

Practices March 13th-17th

This will be the schedule this week. We needed a few extra practices for a few of the classes. We apologize for the change of class times, but we have to take the gym when we can get it. Please make sure your child is there to all practices so that we can be ready for St George next week!!

Monday March 13th


3:15-4:00 Bathing Beauties
4:00-4:45 Runnin
4:45-5:30 Covergirl


3:15-4:00 6th & 7th grade Jazz and 8th & Older Jazz
4:00-4:45 Jr Company (Incomplete)
5:30-6:15 4th-6th Hip Hop (Ball hip hop)
6:15-7:15 Sr Hip Hop (All the way up)

Tuesday March 14th


3:15-4:15 All Star Cheer
4:15-5:30 Sr Cheer
5:30-6:15 Trolls


5:30-6:30 Normal schedule gymnastics
6:30-7:30 Normal schedule gymnastics
7:30-8:30 Dessert Hip Hop 7th & 8th grade

Wednesday March 15th


3:15-4:15 Sr Cheer
4:15-5:15 All Star Cheer
5:15-6:00 Dessert Hip hop 7th & 8th grade


Pre school Regular Schedule
2:30-3:30 2nd & 3rd grade Jazz
2:30-3:30 Kind & 1st grade gymnastics
3:30-4:30 Kind & 1st grade Jazz
3:30-4:30 2nd & 3rd grade gymnastics
4:30-5:15 Jr cheer
5:15-6:15 4th & 5th grade Jazz
6:15-7:15 4th & 5th grade gymnastics
6:15-7:15 Sr Company

Thursday March 16th


3:15-4:00 Jr Company (Incomplete)
4:15-5:00 Pee wee Hip hop
5:00-6:00 4th-6th grade hip hop (Ball hip hop)


3:15-4:00 Pee Wee technique
4:00-4:45 Older technique
5:15-6:00 Pee Wee Cheer
6:00-6:45 Sr Hip Hop (All the way up)

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