Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Competiton and Revue dates


When dropping off your child for dance please stay away from the bank. Keep to the right so people going to the bank can pass you. People are  complaining  that they can’t get by and have to wait in the line of cars to go to the bank/ ATM.
We are starting to hand out costumes. Please don’t let your child play in them.
We want them to look nice for our performances.
Competition/ Revue dates

Please put these dates on your calendar

Mar 30th - Dixie Jam St George - teams that were posted
Sat April 13th - Competition "Dare to dance" at Roy High School- Everyone in Vadels

Sat April 27 -competion or pictures - Everyone in Va-Dels

Sat May 5th-Competition or pictures- Everyone in Va-Dels

Sat May 18th -Revue -Practice Bear River High School Gym -Everyone

Wed May 22 Revue -Bear River High School Gym - Everyone

The weekend we have pictures will be on  Fri  and Sat. We will keep you posted.
Please make sure your child puts her cheer shoes and dance shoes in a dance bag. Please  No wet shoes on our dance floor.
We have a pair of size 6 cheer shoes at the studio for sale. They look new. If you need new cheer  shoes for your child and she wears a size 6 they are selling them for $20.00.
Thank you

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