Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Competition info

Dear Parent                    Feb 20, 2019
Every student owes a $20.00 Gym Rental fee. If you haven’t paid for your child please pay by next week.
Competition and Revue Dates for every student in Va-Dels
Competition-Sat April 13 at Roy High School
Competition -Sat May 4th at Taylorsville High School
Revue Practice -Sat May 18th at Bear River High School
Revue - Wed May 22nd at Bear River High School
Every student owes competition and Revue Fees They are due by Mar 10th
We have to pay the ladies over the Competition by the 10th so they save us a spot.
Every student owes $48.00 for the first number she competes in. This includes two Competitions and her Revue Fees. Every extra number she competes in is $16.00 . This includes both competitions. They cut us a deal on all the  extra numbers for  each girl.
Print off this email and circle every dance your child is in. $48.00 for the first number and $16.00 for each number she is competing in. 

Preschool- Jazz
1st Grade- Jazz
2nd and 3rd grade- Jazz
4th and 5th grade- Jazz
6th and 7th grade -Jazz
8th and 9th grade -jazz
Jr Company
Sr Company
Pee Wee Cheer- Mon’s Class
Jr Cheer- Weds class
All Star Cheer- Thurs class
Sr Cheer- Tues class
Shadow-specialty class
You Should See Me in a Crown-  Specialty Class
Girlz- Specialty Class
Car Wash- Specialty Class
8th and 9th grade-Hip Hop
6th and 7th Grade- Hip Hop
4th and 5th grade-Hip Hop
 2nd and 3rd grade -Hip Hop
1st Grade- Hip Hop

Dance Shoes-We are having the girls wear a new style of Dance Shoes to perform in this year. We need everyone to purchase a new pair. Order now! 
6420DS tan

Tights- 1st-5th grade will need tights. This is the same tights we wore last year. If she wants to wear them from last year please make sure there are no holes or runs in them. If you need to order them you can get them at
capezio soft stirrup tights-color is carmel
1961 adult
1961C kids
one size fits all
Thank you

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